Federation Units

Ambattur Dairy
Ambattur Dairy is located at SIDCO Industrial Estate,Ambattur,Chennai -98.
Ambattur Dairy was unveiled by Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, President of India, on 16th April 1976 under operation Flood-I with collaboration of Indian Dairy Corporation and National Dairy Development Board for Production and Distribution of Fluid Milk through Bulk Vending Tankers for a capacity of 2 LLPD.
In order to increase the packing and storage capacity from 2.0 LLPD to 4.0 LLPD, an Additional Production Block has been constructed at a Project Cost of Rs 877.00 Lakhs under NMFP- 2012-2013 (Grant 44.61 Lakhs Federation own fund 832.39 Lakhs) and inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 21.09.16.
Similarly in order to increase the handling capacity of Dairy from the existing 4.0 LLPD to 4.5 LLPD an Integrated Refrigeration system has been erected at a total project cost of Rs 672.0 Lakhs under NADP 2014-2015 (Grant 540.0 Lakhs, Federation own fund 132.0 Lakhs) and the same is inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 21.09.16.
Variants of Milk Sachets marketed from Ambattur Dairy :
Ambattur Dairy supplies milk to consumers of Central Chennai through 45 hired route vehicles, 41 private agency vehicles, 5 Milk Consumer Co-operative Society (MCCS) milk routes and 7 Federation milk routes.
Toned Milk (TM) 500ml - Aavin Nice -Blue colour sachet
Toned Milk (TM) 1000ml - Aavin Nice -Blue colour sachet
Standardized Milk(SM) 500ml - Aavin Green Magic - Green colour Sachet
Full cream Milk(FCM) 500ml - Aavin Premium - Orange colour Sachet
Double Toned Milk(DTM) 500ml - Aavin Diet - Magenda colour
Standardized Milk(SM) 5 liters - Aavin Green Magic - Green colour Sachet
Standardized Milk(SM) 225ml - Aavin Mini Magic - Green colour Sachet
Pasteurized Full cream milk - Aavin Teamate 1000 ml - Red colour Sachet
This Dairy has been certified with ISO 22000:2005. A hi-tech parlour is also functioning at the entrance of the dairy from 20.06.2018.